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A Breakdown

Below are terms you may have heard regarding our brain and how it learns.  Each term is accompanied by a quick definition and a link to more resources aimed at helping all of us become more brain savvy.  Resources include links to other websites, articles, images, and videos.


Educational neuroscience refers to the study of the human brain and how it connects to the process of learning.


When we are born our brain is the only organ not fully developed.  In fact, research shows that our brain is not completely developed until late twenties.  Gives deeper meaning to teachers "molding" minds, right?


Neuroplasticity is the brain's incredible ability to rewire itself by either strengthening or weakening neuropathways.


Physical and emotional trauma can have negative long-lasting biological affects on the developing brain of a child but there is hope!  With the incredible process of neuroplasticity our children's brains can rewire and reset with positive adult relationships, trauma-informed care, and increased brain awareness.


An adversity team is a building-based team created to support teachers and students in moments of unpredictable adversity.


While childhood adversity and trauma can leave lasting marks on our brains we do have hope and that neurobiological hope is known as resiliency!  Even when faced with adversity the brain can indeed grow and thrive when provided the proper supports and care.

Coming Soon...


More commonly known as "special education", B.R.A.I.N. wishes to challenge the status quo and shake things up a bit by offering a new perspective on the traditional label.  One of the many miracles of the human brain is that each share a similar biological make-up but just as one fingerprint looks similar to another on the surface subtle differences begin to emerge when one looks closer.  Each and every brain has its own unique features, its own exceptions to the rules.

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